How can social media help you in landing your dream job

If you are on a job hunt,  you might want to consider cleaning up your social media profiles. Taking time to do the same is a wise thing to do as almost 70% of employers all of the world, look up to the social media profiles of the candidates prior to hiring them. According to these numbers, you need to be extra careful in maintaining your image and position yourself the right way to employers to land yourself the job that you’ve always dreamed about!

You might be feeling that you’re being monitored to the microscopic level and be tempted either to set your profiles to private or even delete them. Studies reveal that as many as 84% of organizations recruit candidates based on their social media profiles. Another alarming 57% of recruiters revealed that they are not likely to hire someone who they cannot find on social media. Here are a few pointers that will help you stay grounded on social media while positioning yourself for your dream job.

Contact Information:

If you want the recruiters or employers to get in touch with you, it is always suggested to keep things simple. All you have to do is add your email address in your bio. In addition to the above, if you have or maintain an online portfolio, you should consider adding it to your bio as well.

Show forth Recent Work:

Whether you’re into coding, film-making, photography, graphic designing or any creative stream of work that you can showcase your work on social media, do it! When employers run through your social media profile, once they bump into your work, it will help them understand you better. Even if your work profile or work genre is not a creative one, you can share information about the organizations that you volunteer with, your passion projects or the courses that you’ve taken up. When you think about what you want the employers to know about you, the possibilities are endless!

Professional Posts:

Keeping your posts professional shows the employers that you’re an ambitious individual who is career-oriented. This element, however, will not sabotage the details about your personal life, which you want to post or share with your family & friends. Keeping a few of your posts professional or sharing information related to your area of interest on your career front will surely be an added advantage and help you stand apart from the rest of the crowd.

Follow & Network:

Following other people who belong to your career field is one of the great ways for you to know how to climb up your career ladder. Engaging in a conversation with them can help you understand their success mantra. Apart from following well-known people in your field, you can also interact with people who don’t have major connections as it will help you to strike a conversation with them and create meaningful networks.

Social media can sometimes, however, become difficult to demarcate between your professional and personal life. It is up to you as in how you want to leverage its power to land you in the job that you desire. However, following these pointers will surely help you out! Happy Reading!

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